A web’s dance of breath


Sitting. And feeling as if my whole body is an entire web.

Some areas of the web are as delicate and as loose as a thin, silk spider web.

And some ares are dense— like layered thick sheets of tightly strung cotton.

Observing the differences in these ares of the web,

I notice the delicate areas feel so free—

Effortlessly there. And enjoying the subtle breeze,

Open to spaciousness. And existing with no thoughts whatsoever.

The denser parts have thoughts.

And they are aware of the delicate areas.

At first they wonder, “Why are we not as free as that?”

They they start to realize that they have great strength.

The denser areas can act as a muscle.

This realization turns the density into gentle, upturned smiles.

And that feels so very nice.

With more awareness, the denser areas notice that they are scattered throughout the body.

And with that, all of the density starts to unite and organize all of its smiling strength into one.

Once united, there’s a feeling of being a complete and whole body working as a unifying force.

It is then realized that, with this unifying strength and force, that the goal isn’t to disappear into the free parts of the web,

But instead to just enjoy breathing into it.

This density has the pure blissful experience of being able to really feel the breath.

The breath is the communicator to and from the delicateness of freedom and subtlety.

Awesome beauty. And so sensual— this breath.

The unifying density of strength is dancing the most passionate dance, in its joyful realization, that it can!

It can feel the freedom of the delicate web through its intention to breathe with it.

And it receives this amazing gift of knowing. And being known. Of sensing. And being sensed. Of cradling. And being cradled.

And just loving this freedom of subtlety and soul that is so alluring.

The free, thin part of this web can know and sense its own beauty in ways that it could not without the love that the density brings to it.

Knowing of this reciprocity inflames the density to feel even more strength and gorgeousness.

To know that it can give something to this ethereal beauty.

To have a role in this divine purpose.

Breathing. Dancing this dance.


Gratitude in Perceiving