Cosmic Mother
The Mother is the great creation force in our cosmos. However, she does not create by doing more or getting someplace or accomplishing a fixed goal. She creates easily and gently and lovingly in every moment when we slow down and drop into wherever we are. When we can feel the importance and sacredness of all the little actions which call for our attention, such as watering the plants, or preparing a meal, or washing the dishes, that is when we connect with the molecules of the Cosmic Mother which simultaneously connects us with the greater cosmos.
Our to-do lists, our priority lists, our tendency to move out and away from our inner realm… that tendency to be pulled along with our days, working against time, seeking, achieving… can all be left behind. When we realize the moment we are currently in gives us everything we ever need. Appreciating the sacred in the mundane can be the most mind-blowing, galaxy-expanding experience.
This image of the Cosmic Mother came from the surface of a rock. Her subtleties and mysteries can be so easily overlooked, yet there she is in the smallest of details, and in the most familiar of patterns.
See if you can catch yourself when you are rushing or wanting to have things happen faster than they are. Those are the flashcard moments that want to catch our attention to say, you’ve moved away from your center, come back to the connection point that is always being offered to you. Receive by slowing down.
Metal print hanging in home
Metal print as an altar piece. Photo by Jacalyn Beales
Original Photo