GaneshaAt our feet. On the very ground we walk. Lies mysteries and jungles and infinite dimensions. Of Love. Of Life. Each molecule. Each atom is crowned with supreme regal-ness. Crystallized intelligence. Holding the entirety of the Universe. And b…


At our feet. On the very ground we walk. Lies mysteries and jungles and infinite dimensions. Of Love. Of Life. Each molecule. Each atom is crowned with supreme regal-ness. Crystallized intelligence. Holding the entirety of the Universe. And being held by the Universe.

The moss at your feet. The twigs. The tiny slivers shed from trees. All important. All meaningful. All a part of the tapestry. Colors that are waiting to be recognized. Waiting to be felt. The design of it all, when we find time to drop into it, shares its intelligence. Its sacredness. Willing to meet us, face-on, when we listen. When we soften. When we settle into what is here. The seed of infinite life sprouts. Just because it can. And offers us the alluring mystery of beauty.

The entire way we habitually perceive this world may be one large obscuration, filled with memories that get accumulated, accepted, and passed along. Maybe a memory of not feeling very safe. Not feeling very beautiful. Not feeling supported. Perhaps the loudness of those feelings and perceptions have just been trying to get your curious attention. Is it true? Is any of it true? That you’re not safe, that the world is not supportive and beautiful? Stop right now and check it out.

What obstacle is just waiting for your open attention? And it’s okay if it is indeed being experienced as an obstacle. Yet, the structures that keep that obstacle, or thought form, fixed in its place has life to it. A dynamism. An energy. What does it feel like? What color is it? Instead of bypassing or avoiding it, or believing it without an honest investigation, choosing to consciously interact with it kicks into motion our co-creative powers. The aliveness of it all, no matter if it begins as extreme discomfort, or anger, will shift, just as sure as the moon waxes and wanes and the sun moves along our day. Obstacles are not something to get around, but something to sink into. Let them swallow you. And when you come out the other side, you will have proven, to yourself, just how immortal you are.

Metal print photographed in the environment where the original photo was taken

Metal print photographed in the environment where the original photo was taken


shamanic dreams