Tree SpiritThis vision formed from the surface bark of a tree in my yard. He’s tiny (yet not small at all!). There are so many different expressions from the one tree. This was just one of the first that came out from an entire community of others.T…

Tree Spirit

This vision formed from the surface bark of a tree in my yard. He’s tiny (yet not small at all!). There are so many different expressions from the one tree. This was just one of the first that came out from an entire community of others.

These images are coming together in the digital realm. The co-creator players at work are: 1. nature’s intelligence and vast energetic presence 2. my own love, sensibility and perceptive willingness to connect with that presence, and 3. the interactive, intuitive play that happens on a digital platform in which possibilities are expressed.

I am focusing in on a sliver of an area on the bark, and then mirroring that frame in order to complete the visual of the energy being. It feels to me that this tree spirit is ready to sit down and converse on any subject. The meeting has started! I am also sensing the presence of Ganesha (the elephant deity, regarded as the Lord of Beginnings and the Remover of Obstacles) on the top of his head. Which is a reminder that if we come from reverence, then power and strength and protection will follow.


torus field


ganesha of the fungi